On Wednesday October 26, 2016 the City of Cranbrook, in partnership with College of the Rockies and the Commercial Vehicle Safety Enforcement (CVSE) branch of the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure (MOTI) conducted a road side survey of long haul trucks on cordon lines for the trucks that enter into the City (i.e. traffic borne from within the City was excluded). The data was formatted extensively for readability, but kept as accurate as possible. The results are categorized into two: logistics/supply chain and truck/vehicles.
The purpose of the survey was to understand commodity flows and the logistics/supply chain that have been established in and around the Cranbrook region for the development of growth and change strategies by the City and its regional stakeholders. It was intended to capture where to/from goods and services move, ownership of the freight and businesses, the needs of trucking industries/operators and traffic volume. Survey teams were set up at the Yahk and Sparwood inspection stations on Highway 3 and at the Cranbrook game check site on Highway 3/95 on the outskirts of the north side of the City.