Businesses operating within the City of Cranbrook, including those based within the City but conducting business primarily outside of the City, are required to have a valid business license. Business licenses allow the City to regulate business activity in the interest of promoting compliance with the minimum standards established by the City's bylaws as well as the applicable provincial and federal regulations that govern the business activity where required. These standards are primarily designed to provide measures of safety, consumer protection and general order within the community. City residents and business owners are encouraged to request proof of a valid license from businesses they are considering for provision of goods and services.
Find all businesses that have active licenses in the City with our Business License Search.
Business License Applications
Click here to download the Business licence application. This form should be used by all businesses including home-based and can also be used to change an existing business license.
A complete application should include: the specific business information, the owner's contact information, any other additional information and the date and signature of the business owner or their assigned agent. Once completed, applications may be delivered, mailed or emailed to:
City Hall
40 – 10th Avenue South,
Cranbrook, BC
V1C 2M8
Email: Naomi Humenny
Inter Community Business Licenses (ICBL)
The Inter Community Business Licence Bylaw No. 3877, 2016 establishes licensing between Cranbrook and Kimberley and the regulation of trades, occupations and businesses.
If you are a business in the City of Cranbrook and you provide a mobile business or service to customers in Kimberley you would obtain an Annual Business Licence in the City of Cranbrook and make application for an ICBL which will allow you to conduct business in Kimberley. Kimberley located businesses would obtain their Annual Business Licence in Kimberley and apply for an ICBL which would allow them to conduct their mobile business in Cranbrook.
The cost for an ICBL is $75.00 and the application has been combined with the Business Licence Application form.
Processing / Approvals -- Please allow approximately 2 weeks for processing of business license applications.
In considering approval of a business license application, the City reviews the minimum standards established within the City's bylaws as well as the applicable Provincial and Federal regulations that govern the business activity.
Most often this involves reviewing zoning (permitted land use) for the proposed location, review of building bylaw requirements, and inspections from the Building and Fire departments to determine that minimum safety requirements are met at the time of the inspection. In order to prepare for these inspections, it is recommended that applicants confirm zoning requirements, obtain permits where required for renovations, construction or development, and determine any requirements for fire protection, prior to submitting a business license application.
In addition, approvals may be necessary from other external agencies. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Interior Health – Food service, tattooing, daycares, care facilities, etc.
- Liquor Control & Licensing – Liquor sales and service, etc.
In these situations, while the City will require confirmation of approvals, it is the responsibility of the applicant to contact and meet the requirements of the particular agency.
Business License Fees
- Annual Business License $150
Most businesses fall within this category with the exception of seasonal or temporary licenses issued at the discretion of the License Inspector.
- Inter Community Business License $75
If you are a business in the City of Cranbrook and you provide a mobile business or service to customers in Kimberley you would obtain an Annual Business Licence in the City of Cranbrook and make application for an ICBL which will allow you to conduct business in Kimberley. Kimberley located businesses would obtain their Annual Business Licence in Kimberley and apply for an ICBL which would allow them to conduct their mobile business in Cranbrook.
- Seasonal Business License $75
Seasonal Licenses are issued for a business activity, that by it's very nature, is operated for only part of the year and only for a period of up to six months within one calendar year. Examples include Christmas tree sales, snow mobile rentals, outdoor water parks, etc. Seasonal licenses are not entitled to prorating or the prompt payment discount.
- Temporary Business License $75
Temporary Licenses are provided for businesses that have a valid annual license and operate from a fixed commercial location but wish to operate from a separate temporary location, not exceeding 6 months in duration. Temporary Licenses are not entitled to prorating or the prompt payment discount.
- Administration Fee $50
An administration fee will be applied where a business with a valid license applies for a change or amendment to their business license, ie. For a change of location, owner, etc.
Business license fees are non-refundable. A business license is considered invalid unless all relevant fees are paid in full. A business license is also considered invalid where there has been a change in owner or address, or other relevant information and the City has not been properly informed.
Business License Reports
Business license reports will be published here each month for the general information of the public. New business license reports will added within the first two weeks of each month.
February 2025
January 2025