What is an Official Community Plan (OCP)
Every municipality in British Columbia is required to have an OCP under the Local Government Act.
An OCP is a long-term strategy for land use management, development, and servicing. This document is created by the community in dialogue and is intended to serve as a statement of the objectives and policies of the local government, reflecting a long-term vision for the community. An OCP directs the growth and development of a community. It provides the objectives for the form and character of existing and proposed land uses and servicing requirements for the community.
Throughout the objectives, it must consider land use, transportation networks, current and anticipated housing needs, environmental sensitivities and hazards, future infrastructure needs, parks and recreational facilities, agricultural protection, economic development, arts and culture, to give shape and overall function to a municipality. The goals of an OCP are implemented through its zoning bylaw.
Check out our great 8-page 'OCP - Our Path To Cranbrook 2042' summary document here, or download the full PDF version of the Official Community Plan - Our Path to Cranbrook 2042 by clicking on at the bottom right of the flipbook below. (Large document, so may take several minutes to open).