This section provides information around current notices of disposition by the City, Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendments, Zoning Amendments, Bylaw Amendments and other required advertising as legislated by the Community Charter. Information in this section changes regularly, so please check back often for the latest.
If you have questions or require additional information, please contact:
Marnie Dueck
Municipal Clerk / Corporate Officer
City of Cranbrook
Notice Of Public Hearing
Public Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Cranbrook is considering “City of Cranbrook Official Community Plan Our Path to Cranbrook 2042 Amendment Bylaw No. 4190, 2025” and “City of Cranbrook Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4191, 2025”.
Subject Property: 4142 & 4200 McPhee Road, as shown on the reference map below
Legal Descriptions:
1. Part of Lot 2, District Lot 2593, KD Plan 16676 except Plan EPP66879;
2. Part of Lot A, District Lots 2593, 2869 and 2870, KD Plan NEP83690 except Plans NEP86333, EPP103100, and EPP67513;
3. Part of Those portions of District Lots 2593, 2869 AND 2870, KD Shown as closed Road Parcel A on Plan NEP86332 Except Plans NEP86333 and EPP66879
The purpose of the proposed amendments is to facilitate commercial development on the properties.
- “City of Cranbrook Official Community Plan Our Path to Cranbrook 2042 Amendment Bylaw No. 4190, 2025” amendments include:
1. Deleting and replacing text sections that speak to commercial development and development phasing;
2. Deleting and replacing the neighborhood plans Appendix 1 Conceptual Development Plan Map which will change the development districts designations from UH, Urban Holdings to a new designation, HTL/CRC, Hotel / Retail and Commercial District; and,
3. Updating OCP Schedule 17 Highway Commercial Development Permit Area to designate the subject lands as a Highway Commercial Development Permit Area and designate additional properties on the highway corridor that were not previously designated.
- “City of Cranbrook Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4191 2025” amendments include:
1. Amending the permitted uses in the general permitted use section, in the Hotel Development District and Retail and Commercial District;
2. Deleting general regulations that restrict the maximum square footage of commercial and retails uses, eating and drinking establishments and professional offices
3. Adding setbacks and increasing the allowable heights for building and structures in the Retail and Commercial District
4. Deleting and replacing the Comprehensive Development Zone Map which will designate the subject properties as "Retail and Commercial District / Hotel District" development districts
5. Change the zoning for portions of the subject lands from "Urban Holding Zone: UH to Comprehensive Development Zone 1: CD-1 Wildstone", as shown on the bylaw schedule
City of Cranbrook Official Community Plan Our Path to Cranbrook 2042 Amendment Bylaw No. 4190, 2025 and City of Cranbrook Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4191, 2025 may be inspected between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from March 25, up until April 7, as posted on the bulletin board in the foyer at City Hall. If you require more information, please contact Planning staff at (250) 489- 0230.
You may provide comments in writing to City Hall, by drop off mail slot or by email to [email protected], by 1:00pm on April 7, 2025.
A Public Hearing for the proposed Bylaws will be held at 6:00 p.m. on April 7, 2025, and will be available for viewing by live-stream at the following link: You may provide your comments on the proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw in one of the following ways:
1. In writing: Submit your comments in writing to City Hall - drop-off mail slot, or email to [email protected] by 1:00 pm on April 7, 2025.
2. Speak at the Public Hearing in Person: at City Hall Council Chambers located at 40 – 10th Ave South at 6:00 pm; or
3. Speak at the Public Hearing: If you wish to speak to the proposed bylaw amendments at the Public Hearing, the City requests that you pre-register. Please send your name, address and phone number to [email protected] prior to April 7, 2025.
4. On the day of the Public Hearing:
- Please call in by 5:50 p.m. to confirm your registration. Call 1-833-311-4101, meeting number is 2770 876 1752. If asked for an attendee number, enter the “#” symbol.
- You will be able to hear the meeting, but you will be placed on hold and muted until it is your time to speak.
As per section 208 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that Parcel Tax Rolls are now available for inspection at City Hall, 40 – 10th Ave S, Cranbrook, BC, between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays.
A person who owns a parcel included on the Parcel Tax Rolls may request an amendment based on one or more of the following:
a. There is an error or omission respecting a name or address on the parcel tax roll.
b. There is an error or omission respecting the inclusion of a parcel.
c. There is an error or omission respecting the taxable area or the taxable frontage of a parcel.
d. An exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed.
An amendment request must be submitted in writing to the City of Cranbrook, City Hall, prior to 4:30 pm on Friday, April 25, 2025.
The Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel will be held on the April 28, 2025, at 3:00pm in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 40 - 10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC, for the purpose of hearing amendment requests.
Charlotte Osborne, City Collector