The City of Cranbrook (CoC) is committed to the delivery of safe and desirable drinking water to the citizens of Cranbrook. The Utility section of City Public Works, works diligently to ensure that the water is of the highest quality it can provide. From ‘Source to Tap’, water is collected and sampled on-site and also submitted to an independent lab to sample for a variety of parameters, including Bacteriological, Inorganic and Organic chemistry, and Nutrients to ensure that the water is of good quality. Samples are taken on daily, weekly, monthly, and annually schedules.
Certified Operators collect daily samples to measure for Turbidity, pH, Temperature, Conductivity, Fluoride residuals, and of course Free and Total Chlorine residuals at multiple sites within its distribution system and at the Phillips Reservoir Disinfection Facility. Weekly bacteriological samples are collected and submitted to and independent lab to verify that the water is bacteria free.
The City is currently achieving 4-log reduction of viruses, less than or equal to and 1 NTU of turbidity and no detectable E. Coli, fecal coliform and total coliform in treated water as per the Provincial Treatment Objectives for Surface Water. The City is not currently achieving 3-log reduction of Cryptosporidium and does not have two treatment processes for a multi-barrier approach. However, the City’s chlorination process effectively treats Giardia. The City has also approved funding for a new UV Disinfection Facility Water Treatment Plant to provide a multi-barrier approach, which is currently in the design phase. Further details on the new UV Disinfection Facility Water Treatment Plant including schedule, timelines, and construction is expected in late 2025.
Disinfection By-Products (DBP) samples are collected and submitted quarterly during the colder winter months and monthly during hot summer months. First users, middle of system and end of system, where the water is the oldest are targeted and sampled. Sample analysis targets the group of compounds for Trihalomethanes (THM) and Haloacetic Acids (HAA). Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) are also collected with the DBP samples and sent to an independent lab.
Inorganic and Organic chemistry is collected and submitted annually to ensure that the water entering the distribution system is in compliance with the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality issued by the Government of Canada, and also to ensure that the water quality is consistent year after year. These samples are collected from Gold Creek Reservoir, Phillips Reservoir, Gold/Joseph Creek Diversion building, City Deep Wells, and 2 sites within the distribution system.
See any of the links below for more information about our water quality and our full water distribution system.
Annual Uni-Directional Flushing Program
Distribution System
Groundwater Production Wells
Phillips Reservoir Water Levels
Raw Water Source
Water Hardness
Water Taste, Odour & Appearance
Water Treatment
If you have questions, please contact Public Works at 250-489-0218.
** Updated January 18, 2025