The lakes and rivers surrounding Cranbrook create an illusion of abundant fresh water. The reality is that natural resources are finite. Despite the apparent water abundance, the increase in population growth, expansion of industry and agriculture, and the potential for climate change all place significant stress on the province’s water supply. BC has 25% of the fresh flowing water in Canada, but nearly a quarter of BC’s surface water has reached or is near its capacity to reliably supply water withdrawals for human use.
Snowmelt, and rainfall both contribute to the province’s water supply, but precipitation is minimal in the summer months, when the demand increases, and supply decreases. In the summer months, residential water use can sky rocket by up to 60% due to outdoor water use, mostly in the form of landscape irrigation. By reducing our water consumption, the amount of water requiring treatment will decrease, as well as sewage and infrastructure costs. Water supply in the future may not be as reliable as it has been in the past, being proactive and conserving water prepares for this.
The City of Cranbrook understands the importance of wise water use and the need for practical conservation measures that will benefit not only ourselves now, but will leave our children with the same opportunities we enjoy today.
The message is quite clear. If we each save a little, it can add up to major savings for all of us. For the average household, reductions in water use as high as 40% or more are quite feasible, if you make a few simple changes to the way you think about and use water. But how does this benefit you? Good question. As a community, our water treatment and pumping costs will be reduced, along with the wear and tear on equipment. We will also reduce the amount of wastewater that has to be treated in our wastewater treatment system.
The bottom line is — effective water conservation can extend the useful life of our water distribution system and wastewater treatment facilities. Think about it, we can all “Make Wiser Water Choices”
Be sure to check out our great information pages:
- Meet Our 2024 Water Ambassador - Tanya Nadeau
- 2025 Rain Barrel Rebate Program **Coming Spring 2025
- Outdoor Watering Schedule
- Lawn & Garden Care In Summer
- 10 Tips To Save Water Outdoors
- 10 Tips To Save Water Indoors
- Personal Flushable Wipes - A Sewer System No-No